“Everything Everywhere All at Once” is utterly fantastic—see it in theaters if you can
“Lexi, you’re a fucking G”…or how I came to respect Euphoria again.
its ok to change your mind
Does Euphoria have anything valuable to say?
Does anyone go to Biology class at this school?
Great Black Shows you should be watching
Happy Black History Month! Check out some great TV from Black creators
Station Eleven Recap: The Unbroken Circle
spoiler warning, trigger warning
Spencer is like observing someone else as they experience ennui
Every episode of ..And Just Like That so far compared to episodes of the Golden Girls: An Homage to Betty White
And Just Like That… Something that was once really fun has become deeply tedious
Why is this happening?
The Quiet Beauty of Station Eleven
Survival is insufficient
I Don't Give a Fuck if you "Don't need another streaming service" You should be watching Yellowjackets.
Friendship can be all consuming
The Green Knight is Boring but Magnificent
One year hence…